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I have been a Christian all my life but it never was a lifestyle until the last five years. I grew up around people of faith and I went to church because it was the right thing to do. While in college I got into the wrong things such as smoking, drinking, partying, and the whole nine. I pretty much told God that i wanted to live this way. I continued foolishlessly down this path that I thought was life until May 2012 when all of my bad decisions hit me like a ton of bricks. I had guilt, shame and regret that overtook my mind.

The only thing I knew to do was return back to what was drilled into me since I was a child, JESUS!!! I surrendered to Christ that year and life has amplified times 1000. God has shown me His word and grace in a way that i never knew. Now I use my gift in music to influence all generations to live for Him!! When Jesus died His blood not only covered our sins but It washed them COMPLETELY away!! Through Christ they can have redemption even the forgiveness of their sins!!

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